
05/08/2020 – RZ-2020-18314: Akers-Kidd – 10001 Old Roanoke Road

05/08/2020 – RZ-2020-18314: Akers-Kidd –10001 Old Roanoke Road


Owner:Jerry L. & Vickie L. Akers

Applicant/Agent: Nathan Kidd / Brushy Mountain Engineering

Site location Site Location (PID: 007525)
Request  A request by Jerry L. and Vickie L. Akers  (Agent: Brushy Mountain Engineering) to rezone a total of 1.317 acres from Agricultural (A1) to Manufacturing Light (ML) to allow a Flex Industrial Use (Machine Shop) with proffered conditions. The property is located 10001 Roanoke Road, Elliston; identified as Tax Map 060-A-9 (Parcel ID: 007525) in the Shawsville Magisterial District. The property currently lies in an area designated as Village Expansion in the 2025 Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan and further designated as Mixed Use in the Elliston-Lafayette Village Plan.
Status  Pending

Online Application RZ-2020-18314 05.08.2020

Public hearing PC: 07/15/2020 | BoS: 07/27/2020