
Montgomery County, City of Radford Advance Broadband Initiative

Aug. 27, 2019: Montgomery County and the City of Radford choose a consulting firm to address broadband issues.

Since launching an initiative to address the broadband needs throughout Montgomery County and the City of Radford in March of 2019, the County and City have selected a proposal from Thompson and Litton who collaborated with a regional telecommunications and broadband company, Blue Ridge Advisory Services, Inc. Together, the two companies will:
  • assess the broadband service area gaps;
  • assess existing resources;
  • propose an overall broadband plan;
  • provide cost analysis of proposed projects;
  • analyze cooperative projects; and
  • create a sample RFP (request for proposals) for a public-private partnership.
Blue Ridge Advisory Services has assisted with several other broadband initiatives in Virginia communities to include, Bristol, the Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority, and the Rockbridge Area Network Authority.